Thursday, February 23, 2017

X___________________ Dec 18 2016

X_________________________   Date Dec 18 2016

I do not know where I am from
Because I live here, far from my origins.
I live scrambled amidst so many cultures
Slowly dissolving and amalgamating.
The long story of resource war and incessant migration.

It may be why we lose God, God being replaced by younger rulers;
With all this turnover, God always belongs to someone else;
Is elusive, or terrifies you
And your God, the one you grew from,
Has been either denied any language, or very badly quoted.

Eventually, all Gods names are dropped
And the only one indicated is
Marking the place for you to fill in, or sign.

Anyway, X____________, I have become
Very honest with you, transparent,
Because I think you are better
Than many have been led to believe
And I am still talking to you.

So the worst is avoided.

We are still together, X__________ and I
Perhaps nameless, sort of refugees in the big exploded culture I grew up in,
Or, I shall say, secret
As in, Secret Name that No-one Else Shall Know.

Hard to pronounce. 

But this much is true.
Underneath it all, there is a ground upon which I was made
It hasn't mattered where
On earth
My ancestors have all walked the ground of secrets.
And I am a secret of blood and water
Of the River beneath, 
Inside the clay on the wheel.