Bed Time Story 1/8/2019
Pretend you went to sleep and you fell into the Void
Where all things are possible but nothing is manifest.
You fell deeply asleep there and disappeared
(silly I know because the whole time you were in your bed
Weren't you?)
Pretend you woke up with the Void inside you
And you became Deep Space. With great stars and planets. Constellations.
The Milky Way
Huge and empty and populated,
You carry the Void within like a seed
All things possible, nothing manifest,
You travel Deep Space
With stars trailing off your fingers and toes.
Pretend you are That Child, sitting on a wooden chair,
Streaming through the Deep,
Filled with all possibility yet sitting absorbed in silent awe
You could be anywhere.
You could be standing at the sink
Looking through the window filled with all possibility
Looking at your reflection and everything is manifest but you don't move
You just look at yourself and see it all.
You are so real. It's very clear.
The Void within is exerting pressure on the possibility of
And you taste that.
It turns out to be Love.