Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Trauma Overcome Aug 28 2018

Growing out of Trauma.
 Laying it gently on the ground.
Watching this year's flowers grow up through it.
Discovering that it doesn't define you anymore. 

Recognizing that it gives you a great and deep compassion
for every person who has experienced anything similar. 

Being grateful that your eyes are open and your ears are up
And you sniff the air now like a wolf;

And your beauty and your love are yours to share, or not, as you choose.

The Nature of Pattern Feb 5th 2019

Ritual is necessary
Also Litany
They are the skeleton that gives a frame
And the blueprint.

Here is a foundation.
We build up from the ground
So eventually we have a home to live in.

But the inhabitants themselves are also portals.

For these fundamentals to be timeless
They must also serve timely purposes
And be adaptable 
Just as we are.

The core around which I live
May be said to lead all the way back
Yet it is also now, hatching me every day
I AM is always present in this eternity.