Thursday, November 14, 2019

Trailing Aug 26 2019

I have walked with You in the wilds
I have tracked You
And You have tracked me.

I have resorted to old, old maps and letters
You have needed no such thing,
For You are aware of me at all times,
And I talk to You knowing this
Even though I resort to translators myself.
You make Yourself known
In code
In Sky and Sun
In verse I've stumbled over
In certainty welling up within me

In a long, long history of fidelity
We walk the fields of the world
Hand in hand.

I am Your feral cat
Your wide ranging setter
Your untethered pony
I am Your bare-headed girl
Who cannot stay inside the lines
And prefers the company of Trees
To the rich sanctuaries
Of whatever religions have become.

You are my Tree.  
I am safe within Thee

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Feral Child October 2016

I am a feral child
Who grew up secretly in the wild
Wandering the woods and rails
And shunning the wide highways
That surrounded my ground.

Broken, broken from the past
Unattached to the past
Unrelated to the ancestors
Except by barest twisted threads

All our potent symbols and songs
Locked up in copy right prongs
Forbidden in public and fined as well
Frowned upon by Powers

So I am free in silence
I may walk among trees' guidance
And give tongue to song
Among the Alders and Poplars
To what can you assign me?

Yet, They come, They rise and flow
The songs, the tunes, they show
The ancient ones
The ancient ways
Are marked with rays
And subtle glow.